2015년 7월 7일 화요일

The misunderstanding of Computer Science Major

There are some people who are misunderstanding what computer science is. This post will list some misunderstanding of computer science.


1. Computer Science help people to fix computer well

 Some people who are majoring computer science, experienced that their friends are asking for help to fix their computers because he/she is majoring computer science. Computer science is not dealing with fixing computer. There is another major for fixing computer problems. So, don't ask a friend who are majoring computer science to fix your computer.


2. Computer Science major has every knowledge of computer

  Now, Computer science is categorized with many other major field of study, so there is a limit that computer science major has.


3. Computer Science major is perfect in mathematics

  The mathematics that computer science major learns and high school mathematics is totally different. Computer science major learn mathematic that is even more specific part of mathematics that helps to connect systems and those are called algorism. But, not all the systems are related with algorism, such as discrete mathematics. Still, it is important to learn mathematics for computer science majors because they are related.

4. Computer science major can make games

 This misunderstanding is coming from, people thinking computer science is dealing with programming, so computer science majors should be professional on this. But, universities don’t really teach detail about it. People need to self-study about practical programming.


5. Computer science major can hack

 Of course computer science majors are better at hacking than other people, but they are very few. What most of people are thinking about hacking is very easy to do. They just need to get a tools and corrupt host computer, but for real hacking, even computer science majors can’t do it because it is very complicated

Jobs related with Computer Science

Computer has become a part of people’s daily life. An internet that is connected with computer changes our live. The speed of internet is extremely fast that can’t even match with telephone or television speed. Almost every house has at least one computer and there are even 2 ~3 computers in some houses. So, computer industry can evolve more and creates more jobs. People who are interested in computer like to study computer science or computer programming. This post will find out which jobs are related with computer science and little details with the job. Computer science helps people to use computer related with software. This means most of jobs that related with computer science will using software. Some example of jobs that related with computer science would be:

Software developer: Using computer language to programming designing, coding, and de-bugging. Mostly, dealing with computer software designing, and developing.

Web Programmer: Using web producers’ plan and web designers’ visual creation. Web engineering’s server optimizing, and managing log-in system.

Network Programmer: Monitoring about individual websites’ performance, control, and develop physical and logical network system to measure network system’s plans.

Computer Security: Protect those important information systems and online banking asset.  Control those hackers who try to crack system.

Computer Graphic Designer: Send visualized information, which is difficult to see, between people to people using computer systems.

Database Manager: Develop, plan, manage, and analyze many computer database.

Computer System Plan Analyzer: Manage computer systems’ capacity, procedure, and manage schedule of work business management of customer system, insurance information system, and university cyber education system.

What is Computer Science?

  Computer science is a course that deals with calculations and its related technology scientifically. Person who is dealing with system calculation and theory is called computer scientist. Computer science specified with two parts. One, computer operating system, computer system and theoretical of computer science. Computer science is usually dealing with calculation, but it is very complicated and abstract. So, those calculations are mostly focus on relation with computer science and modern era. Another part is focus on calculating operation. For instance, programming language studies theory, but computer programming itself is dealing with programming language and more complicated system usage, and computer-human relation deals with computer and calculation to make people to live better. Computer science is not a course that deals with computer system designing and supplying. Specifically, one that deals with hardware is called computer engineering, and one that deals with supplying computer system is information technology or information system. Computer science is more likely to relate with artificial intelligence, physics, and linguistics. Computer science is a course that is also highly related with mathematics, because it is the one that is based on math. However, there are arguments between computer science and software engineering because they looks almost similar. There are people who are saying that software engineering is part of computer science, but there are people who saying software engineering is more likely to relate with applying with other courses, and supply, so it is different from computer engineering. There are a lot of areas that computer science has. Some examples would be, Therory of computation, information and coding theory, and algorithms and data structures.    

2015년 7월 6일 월요일

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2015년 7월 4일 토요일

Personal Profile

My name is Gyu Hyung Jang and I am currently attend in Kwantlen Polytechnic University. But, I am planning to transfer to Simon Friser University. My hometown is Seoul, South Korea. I came to Canada when I was grade 8, which means I studied in Canada for more than 7 years. I came to Canada with my brother and mom, but they left Canada when  I was grade 9. So, I started homestaying in Korean family since grade 10. I am living in Richmond, BC, Canada, majoring Computer science to become a video game animator. I didn't really planning to study computer science when I graduated from high school, but after I took a course that related with computer, I started to get interested in it.

My hobby is playing video games and post a personal review and what I felt about the game on my blog. I have a blog at Naver, which is one of the Korean website. I liked to play video games since I came to Canada because I had very hard time to make friends, so I ended up playing video games alone at house. Then I started to feeling that I want to share my game play with other people and discuss about the game that I am playing, so I made a blog on Naver and started to post about video games. Probably this is the reason why I wanted to become a video game animator. I am really interested in video games and wondering how it works and make a game without any bugs or errors.
So, I want to make a video game that has no bugs and errors, so everyone can enjoy the game that I make.